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Improve Your Farm with Advanced Farming Products

Running a successful farm requires a lot of time and dedication. The problem is, even when you work tirelessly day in and day out, things can still fall through the cracks. Thankfully, the rise of technology has brought valuable solutions to farmers across the globe, helping them better manage their crops by using specialized computer equipment. Vantage Sierra Cascade offers a variety of these farming products to California farmers, as well as those in Oregon and Nevada. We provide agricultural professionals with some of the best products in the industry from PTx Trimble®. If you’re interested in learning more about our products, the technology they use, and how they can help your farm, please contact us today. We’ll help you determine which products will work best for your operation.

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Crops on a farm land

Complete Farming Solutions

The products we offer from PTx Trimble® provide complete solutions for farmers looking to bring their operation into the future. The technology can be used in numerous aspects of your farming practice. Whether you have a few areas where you feel like you could benefit from the assistance of technology or you want to completely upgrade the entirety of your farming techniques, we have a solution for you.

We Can Outfit Your Farm With PTx Trimble® Products to Help You in All of the Following Areas:
  • Land preparation
  • Guidance and steering
  • Correction services
  • Planting and seeding
  • Flow and application control
  • Water management
  • Data management
  • Harvest

Get in Touch with Our Team of Experts

At Vantage Sierra Cascade, we’re your local experts on technology to aid in your farming practice. Our team can help you determine which solutions will work best for your farm, install the new equipment, and provide training on how to use it efficiently. No matter what farming practices need to be improved at your operation, we are here to help. Get in touch with us today to discuss your farm’s needs and how we can help. We’re here to help all farmers bring their farming practices into the future.

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